Friday, July 16, 2010

you're only 14...YOU ARE NOT AN ADULT!

Today is my daughter Gabrielle's 14th birthday....cry  Where has the time gone?  I can still remember soooo vividly just holding her tiny little body in my arms...rocking her, singing to her....and now...well now I still try and hold  She is beautiful, and strong, a leader, an athlete, a dork, a super friend to her peers, loyal, trustworthy, smart, a mother-hen, "metal-mouth", a nancy drew/hardy boys book lover, a NON-twilight follower!, caring, kind, a creative mind, an organizer, a hard worker, stubborn, a thinker, she loves God....she is my "old soul".  I love you my Gabrielle.

1 comment:

  1. She is absolutely beautiful, Bobbie:) Sounds like you have an amazing family with a pretty awesome mommy running the show;)
